
Schedule for Spring 2017

2月 02: Ananth Shankar (Harvard), Serre-Tate theory for Shimura varieties of Hodge type.

2月 09: Michael Kemeny (Stanford), The Prym-Green conjecture for paracanonical curves of odd genus

2月 16: Artan Sheshmani (Harvard/Aarhus) Nested Hilbert schemes and local Donaldson-Thomas theory

2月 23: Eric Riedl (UIC) Normal bundles of rational curves in projective space

Mar 02: Robert Lemke Oliver (Tufts) Unexpected biases in the distribution of consecutive primes

Mar 09: No seminar (Spring break)

Mar 16: Jeffery Breeding Allison Modularity of abelian varieties”

Mar 23: Hector Pasten (Harvard)Modular forms and bounds for abc triplesß

Mar 30: Shamgar Gurevich (Yale) “Small" Representations of Finite Classical Groups

Apr 06: Jared Weinstein (BU) The cohomology of local Shimura varieties

Apr 13: No seminar (Easter break)

Apr 20: Yefeng Shen, (Stanford) LG/CY correspondence in dimension one

Apr 27: Sebastian Casalaina-Martin (University of Colorado at Boulder) Descending cohomology geometrically

May 04: Peter Feller (Max Planck) Embedding problems in affine algebraic geometry.


9月 15: Xiaolei Zhao (Northeastern) Birational geometry of moduli spaces of sheaves on the projective plane via wall-crossing


9月 29: Eli Grigsby (BC) In house colloquium series

10月 6: Gabriele Di Cerbo (Columbia) Birational geometry of complex hyperbolic manifolds

10月 13: Gordan Savin (Utah) Whittaker functionals via Hecke algebras

10月 20: Omer Offen (Brandeis) On the distinguished automorphic spectrum

10月 27: Maksym Fedorchuk (BC) In house colloquium series: Apolarity, hypersurface singularities, and invariant theory

11月 03: Thomas Dedieu (Toulouse 数学 Institute) Numerical characterisation of quadrics

11月 10: David Hansen (Columbia) The geometry of p-adic period domains

11月 17: Chao Li (Columbia)Congruences between Heegner points and Goldfeld's conjecture

11月 24: No seminar (Thanksgiving)


Dec 08: Siu-Cheong Lau (Boston University). Non-commutative mirror construction using immersed Lagrangians

Schedule for Spring 2016

Jan 21: Jarod Alper (ANU) A Luna etale slice theorem for algebraic stacks 摘要

Jan 28: Barbara Bolognese (Northeastern) Generic Strange Duality and Verlinde numbers on abelian surfaces 摘要

2月 04: Leo Goldmakher (Williams College) Characters and their nonresidues 摘要


2月. 18: Alexander Perry (Harvard) Derived categories of Gushel-Mukai varieties 摘要


Mar 3: Jason Bland (Harvard) Raising the 2-Selmer rank of Jacobians of hyperelliptic curves 摘要

Mar 10: No seminar (spring break)

Mar 17: Scott Mullane (BC) Divisors from the strata of abelian differentials 摘要

Mar 24: No seminar (Easter)

Mar 31: Jayce Getz (Duke) Limiting forms of trace formulae and triple product $L$-functions 摘要

Apr 07: Alexander Isaev (ANU) Isolated hypersurface singularities and associated forms. 摘要

Apr 14: No seminar (Distinguished Lecture in 数学)

Apr 21: Adrian Zahariuc (Harvard) Deformation of Quintic Threefolds to the Chordal Variety 摘要

Apr 28: Vasily Dolgushev (Temple University) A manifestation of the Grothendieck-Teichmueller group in geometry 摘要

May 5 at 2:30pm (Note special time!): Ila Varma(哈佛大学) The average size of 3-torsion elements in ray class groups of quadratic fields 摘要

Schedule for Fall 2015 (Seminar room, Maloney Hall 5th floor) 

9月. 10: Ian Petrow (Ecole Polytechnique) A twisted Motohashi formula 摘要

9月. 17: Arul Shankar (Harvard) Cohen Lenstra heuristics in thin families of number fields. 摘要

9月. 24:

10月. 01: Xiaowei Wang (Rutgers) Moduli space of Fano Kahler-Einstein manifolds 摘要


10月. 08: Carl Wang Erickson (Brandeis) Modularity of ordinary Galois representations via coarse moduli 摘要

10月. 美国皮塔莱(Pitale. 俄克拉何马州的) Restrictions of modular forms 摘要

10月. 22:范高(普渡大学) The Langlands-Shahidi L-functions for Brylinski-Deligne covering groups 摘要

10月. 29:阿里·施尼德曼(BC) Selmer groups in families of cubic twists 摘要

11月. 05:贝丝·罗马诺(BC) The Local Langlands Correspondence: New Examples from the Epipelagic Zone 摘要

11月. 12: Sam Grushevsky (Stony Brook) Shimura curves contained in the loci of Jacobians of small genus 摘要

11月. 19: Mihai Fulger (Princeton)Hilbert functions and volumes 摘要